The response object represents the information about a customer and order that is stored when a customer responds to a question. A response is created when a customer submits their answer to a question. Response data may be slightly different depending on the type of question presented to the customer.


id string
The unique ID of the response.
available_responses array of string
The list of response choices that were available to the customer at the time they provided the response.
clarification_question boolean
The question for this response was a clarification of a previous question if true.
coupon_amount string
The discount amount applied to the order from the coupon.
coupon_code string
The coupon code used on the order.
coupon_type string
The coupon type used on the order. For Shopify orders, this will be either fixed or percentage.
customer_id string
The ID of customer associated with the order for this response. For Shopify orders, this matches the customer's ID in Shopify.
customer_order_count integer
The total number of orders the customer had at the time they placed the order associated with this response.
email string
The email address of the customer associated with the order for this response.
inserted_at string
ISO 8601 timestamp of the time the response was created.
landing_page_path string
The first click landing page associated with the order for this response.
order_currency_code string
The three-letter ISO 4217 currency code of the order.
order_id string
The ID of the order associated with this response.
order_number string
The order number of the order associated with this response.
order_platform string
The platform that provided the order information. For Shopify, this will be shopify.
order_source string
The source of the order. For Shopify, this will be shopify_checkout.
order_total number
The order total in the currency used for payment by the customer.
order_total_usd number
The order total in U.S. Dollars.
original_response string
If the response was edited, this will be the value of the original response.
other boolean
Indicates if the response was free-form text.
other_response string
If the response was free-form text, the value of the text.
question string
The text value of the question associated with this response.
question_id integer
The ID of the question associated with this response.
question_type string
The type of the question associated with this response. One of, single_response, multi_response, auto_suggest, date, nps or open_ended.
referring_question string
If the question associated with this response is a clarification question, the text value of the question immediately preceeding this one.
referring_question_id integer
If the question associated with this response is a clarification question, the ID of the question immediately preceeding this one.
referring_question_response string
If the question associated with this response is a clarification question, the text value of the response provided to the question immediately preceeding this one.
referring_question_response_id integer
If the question associated with this response is a clarification question, the ID of the response provided to the question immediately preceeding this one.
referring_site string
The referring site of the order associated with this response.
response string
The text value of the response. This will be null if the response was free-form text.
response_id integer
The ID of the response if it was not free-form text.
response_position integer
The position of this response in the list of all responses to the associated question at the time it was presented to the customer. If the order of responses for a question is configured to be randomized, this value will not always be the same for the same response.
response_provided_at string
ISO 8601 timestamp of the time the response was provided by the customer.
submit_delta integer
The time, in milliseconds, bewtween when the question was displayed and the response was submitted.
updated_at string
ISO 8601 timestamp of the last time the response was updated.
utm_campaign string
The UTM campaign of the order associated with this response.
utm_content string
The UTM content of the order associated with this response.
utm_medium string
The UTM medium of the order associated with this response.
utm_source string
The UTM source of the order associated with this response.
utm_term string
The UTM term of the order associated with this response.

Example response object

  "available_responses": [
    "Subway Ad"
  "clarification_question": false,
  "coupon_amount": "10.00",
  "coupon_code": "SAVE10",
  "coupon_type": "fixed_amount",
  "customer_id": "3445695217710",
  "customer_order_count": 17,
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "id": "ENz45Kvbxru0B5X6kDN7Y",
  "inserted_at": "2022-02-16T17:54:35+00:00",
  "landing_page_path": "/products/sale",
  "order_currency_code": "USD",
  "order_id": "4104320450606",
  "order_number": "1301",
  "order_platform": "shopify",
  "order_source": "shopify_checkout",
  "order_total": "57.71",
  "order_total_usd": "57.71",
  "other": false,
  "other_response": null,
  "question": "How did you hear about us?",
  "question_id": 11,
  "question_type": "single_response",
  "referring_question": null,
  "referring_question_id": null,
  "referring_question_response": null,
  "referring_question_response_id": null,
  "referring_site": "",
  "response": "Podcast",
  "response_id": 11747,
  "response_position": 1,
  "response_provided_at": "2022-02-16T17:54:34Z",
  "submit_delta": 9428,
  "updated_at": "2022-02-16T17:54:35+00:00",
  "utm_campaign": null,
  "utm_content": null,
  "utm_medium": null,
  "utm_source": null,
  "utm_term": null