Last Click Report

An overview of the Last Click Report within the Insights page of Question Stream.

The Last Click Report can be accessed via Question Stream Analytics >> Insights.


The Last Click Report pivots the response option given against last click UTM data received from Shopify. You are able to filter on both the Resonse and Source/Medium column to refine the results. As you search, the Percentage column as well as the Direct Traffic Summary stats will update to reflect data for the subset shown from the search results. Each column is available to sort by ascending or descending order (only one column can be sorted at a time).

Last Click Report

Last Click Report

Direct Traffic Summary

The Direct Traffic Summary aggregates metrics for responses where the source did not pass referral data, making the original source difficult to identify (noted as Direct/None). The first metric is direct traffic % of responses - i.e. what percetange of your responses marked as Source/Medium = Direct/None. The second metric aggregates the revenue associated with all of the responses marked as Source/Medium = Direct/None. The third metric shows the revenue associated with all of the responses marked as Source/Medium = Direct/None as a percentage of total revenue.