Products Purchased

Target questions to appear based on what your customer purchased.

Targeting by products purchased allows you to target questions based on specific products purchased (include) or not purchased (exclude) in a customer's order. By default, the question will show for 'All products' - i.e. it will show regardless of what was purchased.

In question edit, select 'Include specific products' from the drop down to target the question based on products purchased in an order. Select 'Exclude specific products' from the drop down to target the question based on products not purchased in an order - i.e. If 'Winter Hat' is selected below and the customer did not buy a Winter Hat, they will receive the question.

After clicking 'Add Products' a modal will pop up to select the applicable products for targeting. Product search is on Product Title. Product Type and Product ID are viewable in the pop out modal, but cannot be searched on.

Read Products Access

To access this targeting setting, Fairing must be granted access to read products. You will be prompted to do so in question edit under the product targeting section. Clicking 'Grant Permission' will route you to Shopify to update the permission access for Fairing.