Salesforce Commerce Cloud
Developer instructions for adding Fairing to your Salesforce Commerce Cloud Order Confirmation page.
Step 1: Initial Setup
- Create Custom Preferences in Business Manager
- New Group:
- ID: fairing
- Name: fairing
- New Attribute
- ID: fairing_enabled
- Name: Fairing Enabled
- Value Type: Boolean
- New Attribute
- ID: fairing_publishable_key
- Fairing Publishable Key
- Value Type: String
- Add the new attributes to the Fairing Custom Preference group.
- In Custom Preferences, ensure Fairing is enabled and paste in your Publishable Key.
- New Group:
- Include the Fairing javascript file in the scripts.iml template. In the example below, the javascript file is only loaded on the order confirmation page.
- Create a new fairing.isml file for the order confirmation template using the provided code, modifying the Fairing integrations and other data as needed. In this example, the file was created in templates/default/modules/fairing.isml.
- Include the new fairing.isml file on the order confirmation page where you would like the question stream to appear.
Code examples have been provided for steps 2-4 above.
Step 2 - Include Fairing Snippet on Order Confirmation Page
<iscomment> Fairing - Include Javascript on Order Confirmation Page </iscomment>
<isif condition="${!empty(pageContext) && pageContext.type === 'orderconfirmation'
&& require('dw/system/Site').getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('fairing_enabled')}">
<script src=""></script>
Step 3 - Initialize your Question Stream®
<iscomment> Fairing - Initialize Question Stream </iscomment>
<isif condition="${pdict.order.orderNumber
&& require('dw/system/Site').getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('fairing_enabled')
&& require('dw/system/Site').getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('fairing_publishable_key')}">
<div id="fairing_question_target"></div>
var fairingAPIKey = require('dw/system/Site').getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('fairing_publishable_key');
var currentOrder = require('dw/order/OrderMgr').getOrder(pdict.order.orderNumber);
<isif condition="${currentOrder}">
var shippingModel = currentOrder.shipments[0];
var creationDate = currentOrder.creationDate.toJSON();
var priceTotal = pdict.order.priceTotal.replace('$','');
// Query total number of orders based on customer email
var orderList = require('dw/order/OrderMgr').searchOrders(' customerEmail={0} AND orderNo != {1} AND status != {2} ', null, currentOrder.customerEmail, currentOrder.orderNo, require('dw/order/Order').ORDER_STATUS_FAILED);
var orderCount = orderList ? (parseInt(orderList.count) + 1).toString() : '1';
<isset name="couponCode" value="" scope="page" />
<isset name="couponType" value="" scope="page" />
<isset name="couponAmount" value="0.00" scope="page" />
<isif condition="${pdict.order.totals.discounts.length}">
<isloop items="${pdict.order.totals.discounts}" var="discount">
<isif condition="${discount.applied}">
<isset name="couponCode" value="${discount.couponCode}" scope="page" />
<isset name="couponType" value="fixed" scope="page" />
<isset name="couponAmount" value="${pdict.order.totals.orderLevelDiscountTotal.formatted.replace('$','')}" scope="page" />
const API_KEY = '${fairingAPIKey}'; // API key (Publishable API key located on your Account page)
const TARGET_ELEMENT = document.getElementById("fairing_question_target");
// Setup the customer object. We use the customer object to decide which questions to
// ask and to associate responses with a customer.
const customer = {
email: '${currentOrder.customerEmail}',
id: '${currentOrder.customerNo}',
order_count: ${orderCount}
// Setup the transaction object. The transaction object allows us to associate order volume
// with responses in reporting, and is included in data exports for more granular analysis.
const transaction = {
id: '${currentOrder.orderNo}',
number: '${currentOrder.orderNo}',
created_at: '${creationDate}',
locality: '${}',
region: '${shippingModel.shippingAddress.stateCode}',
postcode: '${shippingModel.shippingAddress.postalCode}',
country_code: '${shippingModel.shippingAddress.countryCode.value}',
currency_code: 'USD',
total: ${priceTotal},
total_usd: ${priceTotal},
coupon_amount: ${couponAmount},
coupon_code: '${couponCode}',
coupon_type: '${couponType}',
landing_page_path: '/orderconfirmation',
platform: 'SFCC',
source: 'website'
// Wait for the DOM to be ready
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
const fairing = Fairing(API_KEY, TARGET_ELEMENT, {
transaction: transaction,
customer: customer,
config: {
integrations: {
klaviyo: true,
rockerbox: true
Step 4 - Include ISML template on Order Confirmation Page
<iscomment> Fairing - Include fairing.isml on Order Confirmation Page </iscomment>
<isif condition="${require('dw/system/Site').getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('fairing_enabled')}">
<isinclude template="modules/fairing"/>
Updated 2 months ago