Integrations Catalog
Integrate Fairing with your stack in seconds.
Daasity allows you to update your cross-channel attribution model with Fairing response data.
Daton by Saras Analytics is an ETL enabling you to push Fairing response data to your database.
Elevar enables Shopify merchants to capture rich, accurate customer journey and conversion data (using GTM and GA/GA4).
Google Analytics 4Native
Create Google Analytics events when a question is displayed and when a customer responds.
Google Tag ManagerNative
When enabled, Fairing will send question view and response data to the GTM data layer.
Simply enable and Rockerbox will begin gathering attribution data from your Question Stream.
Shopify FlowNative
Shopify Flow allows you to automatically integrate Fairing Question Stream responses into your ecommerce workflow.
Source Medium integrates Fairing with your core attribution sources to deliver actionable insights and advanced data driven capabilities.
Updated 7 days ago
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