Response Clarification (2-step)
Ask two-step questions in your Question Stream.
Our Response Clarification (two-step questions) feature allows you to ask an open-ended or multiple-choice follow-up question based on the first question response. This feature is only available on Single Response question types.
We architected Response Clarification to help with clarification around specific marketing channels (i.e., user selects "Podcast" from a How did you Hear About Us? survey, and you then follow up with "Which one?"), but it can be used for any form of clarification.
Capturing Responses
If the customer submits a response to the first question and doesn't submit a response to the second, we still collect the first response.
Here is a quick video of the customer experience for both multiple choice and open-ended follow-up questions.
Set up
To get started, locate the survey you'd like to add response clarification to and click "Edit." If enabled, you'll see "Add a Multiple Choice or Open-Ended follow up question" below each individual response.

Editing Clarification Questions
Multiple Choice Follow Up
If adding a multiple choice clarification question, we require a minimum of two placeholder responses. Similar to our core question functionality, we give the option to randomize the list of responses shown each time the survey loads.
We recommend using the multiple-choice follow-up when there are only a few options for the customer to select. For example, if you're only advertising on three podcasts, it's best for customers to select their response vs. writing it in with our open-ended question.

Multiple Choice Follow-Up Questions
Open Ended Follow-Up
Open-ended follow-ups allow you to add a catch-all input box. This is incredibly useful if you currently work with a large number of influencers or podcasts and don't want to overwhelm your customers with a long list of choices. We also have customers using this question type for general site feedback. i.e., "How was your shopping experience?"

Open-Ended Follow-Up Questions
Updated 2 months ago